T1J (Théâtre d’Un Jour)⎜TINA


TINA questions the need for change for all of us.

t1j t1j


© Sébastien Roberty

TINA is a musical tragedy over the theme of repetitions in our lives, in history and on stage. Transdisciplinary piece bringing together eight artists: 5 circassians, a soul singer and a jazz duo.
Isn’t the real change to be able to renew oneself constantly, to “jump” out of the habit?…How can we renew ourselves again when the passing of time pushes us to “function”?
TINA relies on original poetic writing as well as jazz music – the art of repetition and deconstruction.

© Sébastien Roberty

This spectacle is a tragedy, the tragedy of our world populated by murderers. But the murderers are not always the ones we believe. The murderers, contrary to what one might think, are those who remain in line, who follow the usual course of the world, who repeat and start their lives again as they are.
What do they murder?
The possible.
Everything that could begin, break, change…
In the 90’s Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan impose capitalism as the only way: There Is No Alternative (T.I.N.A.)!
Thirty years later we can only deplore the failure of this globalist policy and claim the need for change.
TINA opens and closes with this magnificent song by Nina Simone, Everything Must Change, declined throughout the show by three musicians who shift reality, while 5 circus performers strive to transform the possible with a few pieces of wood illustrating our destroyed forests or an iron cube suggesting our mental prisons. “Carrying the voice” remains more than ever at the heart of T1J’s concerns, with music and bodies as vehicles.
TINA is a Rock Poem…Because the future is not what will happen to us, but what we will do…



Support and co-productions:

Theater op de Markt-Dommelhof van Neerpelt (B),
Latitude 50 (B),
Le Delta – Namur (B),
le Centre Culturel de Marche-en-Famenne (B),
le Centre Culturel de Ciney (B),
Le Pôle à la Seyne-sur-Mer,
Le Maillon,
Théâtre de Strasbourg – Scène Européenne,
la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (service des arts du cirque, forains et de la rue),
la Région Wallonne/ST’Art Invest,
Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI)






© Sébastien Roberty

Singer : Tamara Geerts
Musicians : Sal La Rocca, Laurent Stelleman
Circassians : Marieke Thijssen, César Mispelon , David Mupanda, Julius Bitterling, Wilko Schütz
Scenographer: Johan Daenen
Sound engineer: Jean-François Lejeune
Lighting designer and lighting management : John Cooper
Author and director : Patrick Masset
Technical direction : Thomas Dobruszkes
Costume designer: Gaëlle Marras
Photographer : Fred Limbrée Boermans





About T1J

Born in 1966 in Prince-Georges (Canada), Patrick is a director who questions the notion of transdisciplinarity. In recent years, he has received a recognition with the plays of his company : Théâtre d’Un Jour. He also worked with other artists as the Fabrique Imaginaire (Du Vent… Des Fantômes…), the company Vent d’Autan (Autours d’Elles),…
In 1994 after a philosophy degree, he founded the Théâtre d’Un Jour/T1J. He will create several shows in different forms (street arts, theatre, circus, opera, entresorts, cinema,…). A fundamental need appears: in view of the complexity and diversity of the present world, it’s necessary and credible to have a transdisciplinary approach of the artistic work. He wants to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and compare different viewpoints and skills. His wish is to defend the real/the true, to be as true as possible with the audience.
With “The Child who” in 2008, he broke into the international scene. The shows Les Inouis, Exodus, and Strach a fear song will be created et presented worldwide (Sao Paulo, New York City, Salzburg, Brussels, Edinburgh, Antwerp, Bristol,…). Patrick Masset is developing a personal artistic approach that questions the notion and the sense of transdisciplinarity. His work is not collective but requires a total investment along the creative way from all of his team. His work is more based on deconstruction and humility than on an imposed artistic direction.



Patrick Masset
Directeur Artistique
Auriane Richard






T1j Website











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