Winter Jazz festival 2014

winterWinter Jazz festival 2014

Thu 16.01 – 20:00   Official website
Winter jazz : EN Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome “Papa Soul Talkin’”! The title speaks for itself: soul standards and original compositions by this saxophonist from Brussels are part of a quest for groove nirvana.
This rock-solid sextet creates freewheeling moods to both delight the audience and to get them dancing. Funk-tinged energy and good vibes alternate with the bare and bluesy accents of deep ballads. Old school and highly effective.
FR Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome “Papa Soul Talkin’” ! Ce titre évocateur ne laisse aucun doute : les standards de soul et les compositions personnelles du saxophoniste bruxellois visent tous la quête du groove absolu.
Ce solide sextet s’est fixé le double objectif d’émouvoir et de faire danser son public dans une atmosphère hédoniste. L’énergie et la bonne humeur des influences funk alternent avec la simplicité des ballades profondes aux accents bluesy. Old school et terriblement efficace !
 Laurent Doumont, saxophone, vocals
Olivier Bodson, trumpet
Alain Palizeul, trombone
Vincent Bruyninckx, piano
Sal La Rocca, double bass
Lionel Beuvens, drums
Papa Soul Talkin’ (Orfena Music, 2013)  “An album with only one desire: to entertain you, to get you on your feet, to propel you into a frenzied andinvigorating dance. Impossible to stay put when listening”. (Le Soir / Mad)





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