Igor Gehenot trio + Jazz Jam Session

Igor Gehenot trio @ Music Village

Aug 22 @ 8:30 p.m.



Igor Gehenot (piano), Sal La Rocca (bass), Noam Israeli (drums)


EN : To our great delight, Igor Gehenot invites you to share a musical moment in excellent company. For the occasion, he has assembled the finest Belgian jazz musicians in Sal La Rocca on double bass and Israeli Noam Israeli on drums.
The group will take us along the path of their desires, their delights and their new-found freedom. In all simplicity, mixing personal compositions and standards. A true concert. Warm. Intimate at times. And always comforting.


FR : Pour notre plus grand plaisir, Igor Gehenot vous invite à partager un moment musical en excellente compagnie. Pour l’occasion, il a réuni les meilleurs musiciens de jazz belges à Sal La Rocca à la contrebasse et l’Israélien Noam Israel à la batterie.
Le groupe nous emmènera sur le chemin de ses désirs, de ses délices et de sa liberté retrouvée. En toute simplicité, mêlant compositions personnelles et standards. Un vrai concert chaud, intime parfois…et toujours réconfortant.


NL : Tot onze grote vreugde nodigt Igor Gehenot u uit voor een muzikaal moment in uitstekend gezelschap. Voor de gelegenheid verzamelde hij de beste Belgische jazzmuzikanten in Sal La Rocca op contrabas en Israeli Noam Israeli op drums.
De groep neemt ons mee op het pad van hun verlangens, hun geneugten en hun hervonden vrijheid. In alle eenvoud, het mixen van persoonlijke composities en standaarden. Een waar concert. Warm. Soms intiem. En altijd geruststellend.


VIDEO LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiuQbwjVuDA






WELCOME TO THE MUSIC VILLAGE. The Music Village is the premier jazz club in Brussels located in the historic heart of the Belgian capital next to the famous Grand Place. It features live music six days a week, from Tuesday through Sunday, all year long, with more than 300 live concerts per year.
  • Program

    French double bass player Jérémie Fabre (The Blue Mocking Birds, The danubian express,) is a musician I met in 2019( The Swing Syndicats) before he moved back to Paris. When I asked him to join me for a date at Music Village, I decided to call on two other Belgian musicians he knows very well: Antoine Lissoir and Timothé Le Maire.
  • Reservation

    Doors 7.30 pm. Concert 8.30 pm. No prepayment required. Please communicate any cancellation. At 8.15pm, unoccupied seats are redistributed!! Please be there at 8pm at the latest.
  • Rent

    The Village proposes special rates for company groups of 20 to 40 people who attend a programmed concert. … Please send an e-mail at: lucie.saeys@yahoo.fr. and leave a phone number; we will call you back asap. The Music Village asbl – vzw. rue des Pierres 50 Steenstraat.
  • Info

    The Music Village suits a variety of musical tastes such as jazz fusion, Afro, Brazilian, Cuban and gypsy jazz, as well as blues, rhythm & blues, New Orleans and funk, among other world music. Since opening in 2000, The Music Village has hosted more than 4,000 live concerts, including a long list of legendary musical and recording artists.
  • Contact

    Offer a night a the village. an exclusive gift for friends or employees. more info. THE MUSIC VILLAGE Rue des Pierres, 50, Steenstraat. 1000 Brussels …
  • Today

    Singers Sunday! On the last Sunday of every month, The Music Village presents a special concert with the spotlight on vocalists. Every month is a different theme, featuring a pair of professional singers. It’s a monthly celebration of passion for vocal jazz accompanied by a trio of top musicians. TICKET: 18€ Members – No Members 20€








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