Midi Liège Jazz⎜Igor Gehenot Trio

Midi Liège Jazz Invites Igor Gehenot Trio

January 19, 2023  12:30 p.m. duration 1 hour

midi midi


Igor Gehenot (p), Sal La Rocca (d.b) & Umberto Odone (drs).
Igor Gehenot (Liège 27.11.1989) started classical piano studies from an early age. At 13 he enters the jazz section of the royal academy of Liège and at 19 the conservatory of Maastricht. When 17 he met drummer Antoine Pierre with whom he started the Metropolitan Quartet and perfom many concerts in Belgium and abroad. The Quartet wins the “Young talent” Prize at the Comblain-La-Tour Festival. He enters the Royal Conservatory of Brussels in 2009 for two years, where he studies among others with Eric Legnini, and starts his own trio with Sam Gerstmans on double bass and drummer Antoine Pierre. One of the main jazzclubs in Brussels The “Sounds”, realizing his great talent, proposes a residence fot two years. This opportunity has been essential in developing the cohesion of his trio and has also gave the opportunity to play with many guests like Félix Zurstrassen, Lionel Beuvens, Martin Méréau, Pat Cleaver, Jean-Paul Estiévenart, Lorenzo Di Maio, Sal La rocca, Jens Bouttery, Daniele Cappucci, Vincent Thékal.
In 2011 Igor Gehenot receives the ” Sabam Jeunesses Musicales Jazz Awards “. The Label IGLOO Records decides to produced his first trio album and ‘Road Story’ is released in April 2012. The album receives great acclaim in the national and international press, sells many copies and reaches 1st place in the Diskunion charts in Tokyo and is elected Top Title and Top Album on Deezer Music & album of the year in Jazzwise magazine’s critics Poll. JazzWise Magazine writes : ” it takes just a few bars of ‘Promenade”, the opening track of pianist Igor Gehenot’s debutalbum Road Story, to realise it is the work of a rare talent who will surely number among the great names in jazz in the years to come. His touch, his articulation, his harmonic sense, his ideas and his perfectly balance sense of time are gifts of a magnitude that occur maybe once in a generation.” Igor Gehenot is preparing his second trio album, as well as a project for his trio with strings, in collaboration with the Atom Strings Quartet from Poland for the summer 2014.


Go to the Midi Liège Jazz website






Prices & Contact

Entrance: 9€ -26 years old: 3€ art. 27: free Subscription for the season: 149€
Each concert starts at 12:30 p.m. duration 1 hour precise
Telephone number: +32 494 336628







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